How a Lawyer Can Advocate for Your Custody Rights

The best Child Custody Lawyer in Cincinnati OH is someone who understands the complex nature of a child custody case and can help the parents reach an agreement. When the parents cannot agree, the courts will decide on the custody and visitation arrangements. Several factors are taken into consideration when making these decisions. The most important factor is the well-being of the children involved. A judge will examine the parents’ wishes, as well as the preferences of the children themselves. However, a judge will only allow the children to express their opinions when they are mature enough and not being influenced by one parent.

The type of custody determined by the court is known as an allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, or joint legal custody. This includes the power to make major decisions concerning a child, such as education, health care, religious training, and involvement in activities. In many states, including Ohio, the term “custody” is now more commonly referred to as “parental responsibility” and “parenting time.” It is the preference of most courts to award both parents equal parenting time, although there are some circumstances that warrant sole custody to one parent.

A number of factors are considered in determining the best interest of a child, including lifestyle, the stability of the child’s home environment, each parent’s work schedule and financial security, and the relationship between the child and other family members, such as siblings. The child’s ability to develop a close bond with each parent is also important. Similarly, the child’s emotional and social development is considered by the judge. The courts will also look at any past incidents of domestic violence or abuse.

In some cases, emergency temporary custody may be granted if the health or safety of a child is at risk. The parent who is able to demonstrate a greater level of care and responsibility will be awarded this type of custody. A child evaluator or guardian ad litem may be brought in to assist the judge with this decision.

Although a child does not need to testify in a custody trial, the judge will take into account their wishes. In the past, this was more often considered a mother’s wish, but since the 1990s, there has been an evolution in court rulings that now favor both mothers and fathers equally. A child’s opinion may be expressed to the judge by a therapist, custody evaluator or Guardian ad Litem.

Once a custody arrangement is finalized, it can be difficult to change the terms. However, a Cincinnati Child Custody Lawyer can help parents obtain a modification to their order if necessary due to significant changes in the child’s life. If a parent violates the terms of a custody order, they could be held in contempt by the court. Contact the attorneys at Davis and Associates, to help you achieve your family law goals. They help clients terminate marriages through divorce or dissolution, adopt children and complete stepparent adoptions, as well as resolve chapter 7 and 13 debt problems and probate decedent’s estates. Check out this video for additional information about family and divorce law.

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